Getting into the World’s Top Universities Just Got Easier!

Our tech-driven, personalized test-prep and counselling services triple your chances of acceptance into the world’s top 200 universities, often with scholarships.

Enjoy a FREE 30-minute consultation with our expert for top university admissions.

University of Southern Denmark


MS in Computer Science

Fall 2024

University of Southern Denmark


MS in Computer Science

Fall 2024

University of Southern Denmark


MS in Computer Science

Fall 2024


Top 50 Admissions


Ivy League Admissions


Scholarships Awarded


Rated on Google & Trustpilot

What is VisaRoute Premium

VisaRoute Premium is a study abroad counseling service that provides integrated live GRE coaching.

What sets us apart is:

Tech Focus

We’ve developed robust front-end and back-end systems powered by AI to simplify the journeys of our students and counselors.


We started as a study-abroad community, attracting over 60 million students. Today, 1.5 million students actively participate in our community.

Of course, more than these features are needed to meet every student’s needs. That’s why we have a team of 100+ experienced counselors , test-prep coaches, document editors, financial advisors, and visa experts. They have helped over 10,000 students gain admission to top universities and secure scholarships worth USD 15 million (120 crore INR) .

Top Premium Admissions & Scholarships

Discover all the top admits and scholarships achieved through VisaRoute Premium, and see where our successful students work (and their salaries).





Do You Need the Top University Advantage?

Learn why and how to set your sights higher.

Denmark has a long tradition of studying abroad, with figures like Mette Frederiksen and nearly a million others in 2022. However, 98% of Danish students end up in universities ranked far lower than their potential. Why?

  • Many don’t grasp the significance of graduating from a top university.
  • Most believe it’s not possible to gain admission to one.
Let us dispel both of these myths for you –

Why Strive for the Best University?

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but many settle for any university recommended by friends, family, or unqualified consultants. Here’s why you should aim for the best possible university for your profile:

  • Significant Investment: You’re spending a substantial amount, often from your or your parent’s hard-earned money.
  • Final Formal Education: This may be your last formal educational experience.
  • Quality Education: Higher standards of teaching from renowned professors.
  • Career Advancement: Higher starting salaries from dream companies can fast-track your career by years.
  • Network and Learning: Enhanced peer learning and a supportive professional network.
  • Prestigious Brand: A prestigious university brand that you’ll be proud of.

Why is it important to graduate from a top-ranked university?

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”

Can You Make It to a Top University?

Yes, we understand your skepticism. If it’s so obvious, why do only 2% of students choose top universities? While many don’t recognize the importance, those who do often don’t know how to achieve it.

But we do.

Acceptance Rates of Danish Colleges vs. International Universities:

  • IIT Bombay (Global Rank 149): 0.2%
  • All IITs: Less than 0.5%
  • NITs: Less than 1-2%
  • IIMs: 1-2%
  • Top Medical Colleges: Less than 5%

Acceptance Rates Abroad:

  • Ivy Leagues: 9%
  • Top 100 Universities (excluding Ivy Leagues): 10-40%
  • University of Southern Denmark: 17-21%

Getting into a top university abroad is far easier than at home, especially with VisaRoute (see our acceptance rates below).

Remember the 1 in 60 rule from aviation: a 1-degree error can lead to being a mile off course after 60 miles. Similarly, one small mistake in selecting the right university or course can significantly impact your career path.

VisaRoute Acceptance Rate

On average,VisaRoute offers three times higher chances of securing a dream admission to top universities than other consultancies or self-application efforts.

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

University of Southern Denmark

General Acceptance Rate: 5%
VisaRoute Acceptance Rate: 21%

But, How Do We Do It?

How is this possible? It’s not a matter of luck. We’ve combined our counsellors’ expertise with our database of over 1 million admissions and rejections to create a product that consistently secures top admissions for our students.

In Short, Here’s How We Do It:

1. Team of 6 Experts:

Test prep coach, primary and secondary counsellors, document editor, visa expert, and financial advisor.

2. Your Dashboard:

Track your application journey and communicate with us directly through the VisaRoute app or website.

3. Our Dashboard:

Our team can monitor your entire journey through their dedicated back-end dashboard.

4. Mentorship:

Our community contributes data to our predictive algorithms and connects you with peers and seniors.

University representatives spend 7 to 8 minutes reviewing each application, even though students spend 300 to 500 hours preparing their application packages!

Our seasoned counsellors will not only share the burden of these 500 hours with you but also help you showcase your best in applications, suggest suitable universities and courses, and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you an entire year or thousands of rupees.

Check out the documents below to learn everything about our counselling approach.

Don’t trust VisaRoute.

Instead, we hear from our satisfied students just because we say so.


Fall 2024


Fall 2024


Fall 2024


Fall 2024


Fall 2024


Fall 2024

What VisaRoute Students Say


I’ve had a fantastic experience with the VisaRoute team so far. My primary counsellor, Pratiksha Wanikar, has always been supportive and helped clear any doubts, no matter how small. Kishan Kaushal, the editor, guided me effectively in telling my story and was always supportive.


I’ve had a fantastic experience with the VisaRoute team so far. My primary counsellor, Pratiksha Wanikar, has always been supportive and helped clear any doubts, no matter how small. Kishan Kaushal, the editor, guided me effectively in telling my story and was always supportive.


I’ve had a fantastic experience with the VisaRoute team so far. My primary counsellor, Pratiksha Wanikar, has always been supportive and helped clear any doubts, no matter how small. Kishan Kaushal, the editor, guided me effectively in telling my story and was always supportive.

Meet Our Visa-Star Counselors

With over 150 counsellors, editors, test prep coaches, finance experts, and visa specialists, We are pleased to inform you that we have a dedicated team available to assist you at every step.













Start Your Best with Premium

We operate with limited-sized cohorts to provide the best service. Our Spring/Winter intake cohorts typically fill up by June, and Fall/Summer intake cohorts by November.


No-Cost EMI on Premium Plans

Starting at just $1000 per month

Get Premium with Friends and Claim Additional Discounts

Learn All About Premium,

With just one call!

  1. Discuss your profile (and you might receive a discount)
  2. Discover the Best Plan and Explore Your EMI Options
  3. Address all your concerns about studying abroad in one go.

Schedule a Call

Choose a convenient time slot on the advisor’s calendar.

Press and Media Coverage


Can You Get Into a Top University by Yourself?

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

Applying for study abroad isn’t rocket science, and you can do it alone. However, thousands of students attempt to go it alone each year, only to encounter these common problems:

Self-(Un)Selection Bias:

  • “My profile isn’t strong enough for a top-50 university, so I’ll only apply to universities ranked beyond 100th or 150th.”

Misleading and Information Overload:

  • “My friends say it’s better to avoid mentioning my illness that caused my 3rd-year backlogs in my SOP.”
  • “One Google search result says the deadline is December 15th; another says December 20th.”

Misunderstanding University Requirements:

  • Did I correctly complete German institutions’ ATS and VPN applications?
  • “What’s the difference between GRE-optional and GRE-blind universities?”

Stress and Anxiety:

  • “What if my visa gets rejected?”
  • Three of my friends received XYZ admits, but I haven’t heard back after 36 days.
  • My GRE is next week, and I’m not prepared yet.”

Missed Opportunities:

  • “I didn’t know I was eligible for a scholarship at this university.
  • My university requires a GRE score, and I haven’t taken it.”

Inability to Showcase Achievements:

  • “I don’t have anything interesting to showcase in my SOP.
  • How do I fit all my achievements into a 2-page resume?”

The problem is that you often need to realize these issues sooner. Counsellors have guided hundreds of students, and the VisaRoute Premium platform collectively benefits from the experience of tens of thousands of students. Learn from their mistakes rather than making your own. This process is too crucial to make mistakes and then learn from them.

How Does a Counselor Help?

Some of the most important benefits of availing of a counseling service:

Strategy: Getting into top universities requires a well-planned strategy, which only an experienced counsellor can formulate.

Coach: Just getting a gym membership won’t make you fit; a trainer who ensures you work out well. Similarly, a counsellor is your coach who will ensure you work towards that coveted admission.

Save Money During Applications: Save thousands of rupees by avoiding applications to unsuitable universities, preventing visa rejections, and not having to retake tests multiple times.

Save Money on Your Education: Save lakhs of rupees in course fees by significantly improving your chances of getting a scholarship and securing better interest rates on education loans.

Save Time: By outsourcing some of your work to a counsellor, you save time. More importantly, securing the right admits and avoiding visa rejections can prevent wasting an entire semester or even a year.

Cheerleader: This journey can be an emotional rollercoaster. Counsellors will always be there to support you, listen to you, motivate you, and soothe your anxieties.

Remember, there are no extra points for playing life on hard mode. Counsellors provide an easier path. Could you take it? Your goal is not to learn and do the process yourself but to get into a good university and study.

What Are the Different Types of Counseling Services Available?

There are three types of counselors in the market:

  1. Premium Counselors: Services like VisaRoute where you pay for the services, generally upwards of Rs 30,000.
  2. Agents: You don’t pay anything or pay a minimal amount to the service provider, but they make money from the universities.
  3. Self-Counseling: If you are doing the process yourself, or with the help of friends or family, then you are your own counselor.

What is the Difference Between VisaRoute Premium and Other Paid Counseling Services?

VisaRoute Premium:

  • Dedicated Team: A dedicated counsellor plus a team of 5-6 experts, allowing for multiple reviews and opinions.
  • Specialized Editing: Involves reviewing, guidance, and mentoring to shape unique and winning SOPs for every student.
  • Multiple Brainstorming Sessions: Helps students bring out their best stories and showcase achievements.
  • Extensive Database: Access to 90,000+ courses from 2500+ universities, including deadlines, fees, application processes, and tools for counsellors and students.
  • Large Alumni Network: Access to a network of over 1 million alumni.
  • Premium Dashboard: This dashboard helps students shortlist universities, manage documents, interact with alumni and the community, build SOPs with AI, and receive deadline notifications.
  • Integrated GRE & IELTS Prep: Includes online live classes as part of the package.
  • Better Admit Rates: Experience a 20-50 rank difference in the admitted university with VisaRoute Premium.

Other Paid Counselors:

  • Single Counselor Dependency: Dependence on a single counsellor, risking errors and limited opinions.
  • Generic SOP Writing: Promise to write the entire SOP and LORs, leading to unoriginal and stereotyped applications.
  • Limited Interaction: Often rely on a one-sided questionnaire or one-on-one counselling session.
  • Manual Data Checking: Dependence on manually checking data from university websites.
  • Small or No Alumni Network: Limited or no access to an alum network.
  • Essential Communication: All communications through email, documents, and spreadsheets with no additional features.
  • Additional Coaching Costs: Expensive offline coaching is required for GRE and IELTS.

What is the Difference Between VisaRoute Premium and Free Counselors/Consultants?

“If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.”

VisaRoute Premium:

  • Unbiased Counseling: Focuses on the student’s best interests.
  • Top University Focus: Aim to get students into top-ranked universities.
  • High-Quality Applications: Emphasizes building high-quality applications.
  • Comprehensive Service: End-to-end services include the best visa, educational loan, and forex services.
  • Experienced Counselors: Counselors with a track record of placing students in Ivy League and other top universities.
  • Significant Rank Improvement: Experience a 100+ rank difference in the admitted university with VisaRoute Premium.

Agents (Free Services):

  • Biased Counseling: Suggests partner universities, potentially limiting student potential.
  • Partner University Focus: Prioritizes sending students to partner universities.
  • Application and Visa Focus: Focuses more on completing applications and visa services.
  • Limited Services: Emphasis mainly on application completion and visa services.
  • Partner Admissions: Counselors with a high quantity of partner university admissions.

What is the Difference Between VisaRoute Premium and Guidance from Friends/Family?

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

VisaRoute Premium:

  • Expert Evaluation: Seasoned counsellors and a database of 10k+ admits help gauge student ability accurately.
  • Clear Admission Strategy: Provides a well-defined admission game plan.
  • No Missed Opportunities: Ensures no missed opportunities for scholarships or rejections due to unclear university requirements.
  • Profile Enhancement: Successfully fills profile gaps and showcases achievements to the admissions committee.
  • Streamlined Process: A well-oiled machinery to get you the best admit.
  • Dedicated Support: Counselors act as your coach and cheerleader, keeping you determined and focused.
  • Significant Rank Improvement: Typically results in a 50-100 university rank improvement.

DIY (Student or Friends/Family):

  • Self-Diagnosis Risks: Self-diagnosis often leads to incorrect selection of universities.
  • Confusion: Multiple opinions from friends, family, and the internet can confuse.
  • Missed Opportunities: Admission rejections often occur due to misunderstandings of university requirements.
  • Inadequate Justification: Struggles to justify backlogs or change of streams and effectively display achievements.
  • Self-Managed Process: You must figure out everything yourself, including deadlines, fees, course options, application process, visa, etc.
  • Lack of Motivation: Anxiety and panic can result in many situations without dedicated support.
  • Potential Wastage: Wrong decisions can lead to wasted time, money, and missed opportunities due to subpar or no admits.

Each of our counsellors has helped hundreds of students, and our backend system has data from thousands of successful students. Learn from their mistakes instead of making your own.

Experience a 50-100 rank difference in the admitted university with VisaRoute Premium.

Why Do We Charge for Counseling?

When you’re not directly paying for a product, it’s important to consider that you are an essential part of the service being provided.
The real question is, why are others not charging (or charging very little)?